
Leveraging eLearning for Human Resource Development in Academic Libraries in Nigeria

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conference contribution
posted on 2023-12-23, 14:25 authored by Chukwuemeka Chukwueke, Ifeoma R. Echezona, Ijeoma Ibegbulam, Cyprian I. Ugwu

The study focuses on leveraging eLearning for human resource development in Nigerian academic libraries. The descriptive survey design was adopted with a focus on 18 first-generation Nigerian academic libraries purposefully selected across the nation’s six (6) geopolitical zones. Data was collected using an open-ended online survey which was administered to the respondents using social networking platforms and emails. Out of the 180 respondents targeted, 163 responded, giving a response rate of 90.5%. Data collected were analysed using frequency counts, simple percentages, mean scores, and standard deviation. Findings show a high extent of adoption of eLearning for human resource development in Nigerian academic libraries in the areas of new staff orientation, self-paced online courses, and library management training, among other areas. This adoption was found to be effective in the areas of improved work performance from capacity building, update and development of skills, knowledge, and abilities, and improved organisational innovation and competitiveness, among others. The study also found high resistance to change among employees, high cost of internet access, and high cost of technology as part of the challenges to leveraging eLearning. The study also reveals some strategies for the effective adoption of eLearning for human resource development of academic librarians including the allocation of more resources to eLearning, increased availability of technological facilities in libraries, and the strict monitoring of eLearning platforms to guide against unprofessionalism. Based on the findings, the study recommended that academic library authorities should make to the modern trend of human resource development by adopting eLearning platforms and systems, among other things.


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